Comidas y bebidas / Food and drinks

This week we started Lección 16:   learning about foods, beverages and meals. We practiced asking what we ate for breakfast (el desayuno). We will continue building on this vocabulary in the coming weeks!

So far we’ve learned about a variety of foods and drinks:

comidas / foods

la manzana = apple

el helado = ice cream

la lechuga = lettuce

la naranja = orange

el pan = bread

la mantequilla = butter

el cereal = cereal

los panqueques = pancakes

el yogur = yogurt

la fruta = fruit

el azúcar = sugar

los huevos = eggs

el huevo = egg

bebidas / drinks

la leche = milk

el café = coffee

el jugo = juice

el agua = water

We also learned about the country, culture and history of Peru in South America.

Homework due 5/23:  Q4 W5 Espanol HW


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