El almuerzo / Lunch, plus more food practice

We practiced more food and beverage terms with indoor and outdoor games as well as learning to ask one another what we eat for lunch.

¿Qué comes para el almuerzo?   (What do you eat for lunch?)

Como ________ (el sándwich / la pizza, etc.).   (I eat a sandwich/ the pizza, etc.)
¿Qué tomas?  (What do you drink?)
Tomo _________ (el agua / la leche, etc.)  ( I drink water / milk, etc.)
Homework this week previews our next Lección 17:  ¿Tienes hambre?  (Are you hungry?)
Refer to your text for guidance and use the following translations:
1.  Escribe tu comida o bebida preferida (Write your preferred food or drink):
Tengo sed. (I’m thirsty.)  Quiero beber (o tomar) (I want to drink)_________.
Tengo hambre. (I’m hungry).  Quiero comer (I want to eat)__________.
Tengo ganas (desire) de comer un postre. (I’d like to eat dessert.) Quiero _______.
Tengo ganas de comer una fruta. (I’d like to eat fruit.) Quiero _________.
2.  ¿Cómo se dice…?  (How do you say….?)

Comidas y bebidas / Food and drinks

This week we started Lección 16:   learning about foods, beverages and meals. We practiced asking what we ate for breakfast (el desayuno). We will continue building on this vocabulary in the coming weeks!

So far we’ve learned about a variety of foods and drinks:

comidas / foods

la manzana = apple

el helado = ice cream

la lechuga = lettuce

la naranja = orange

el pan = bread

la mantequilla = butter

el cereal = cereal

los panqueques = pancakes

el yogur = yogurt

la fruta = fruit

el azúcar = sugar

los huevos = eggs

el huevo = egg

bebidas / drinks

la leche = milk

el café = coffee

el jugo = juice

el agua = water

We also learned about the country, culture and history of Peru in South America.

Homework due 5/23:  Q4 W5 Espanol HW


Las estaciones y las fechas / The seasons and dates

This week, we learned about months, dates and seasons. Note, just like with the days of the week, in Spanish the months are not capitalized!

Los meses / months:

January = enero (ay-NAIR-oh)

February = febrero (fay-BRAIR-oh)

March = marzo (MAR-so)

April = abril (ah-breel)

May = mayo (sounds like MY-oh, not May-o)

June= junio (HOO-nee-oh)

July = julio (HOO-lee-oh)

August = agosto (ah-GOH-stoh)

September = septiembre (sep-tee-EM-bray)

October = octurbre (ohk-TU-bray)

November = noviembre (no-be-EM-bray)

December = diciembre (dee-cee-EM-bray)

Winter = el invierno (el een-bee-AIR-no)

Spring = la primavera (la pree-mah-BAIR-a)

Summer = el verano (el bair-AH-no)

Fall= el otoño (el oh-TOH-nyo)

Practice using this online game:  http://www.digitaldialects.com/Spanish/Daysmonths.htm


La hora – Telling the time

Telling the time in Spanish can be a challenge, since the conventions of “a quarter past,” “half past”, “mid-day” and “twenty to – ” are used, rather than speaking in digital terms such as 10:22, 11:45, etc.

El reloj = the clock

How do we ask and answer questions about the time?

For the question, use  ES. For the answer, use SON (except for “una” or 1 o’clock).
Example:  ¿Qué hora es?  (What hour or time is it?)
Son las ocho. (It’s 8 o’clock) or Es la una y diez. (It is one and ten or ten past one or 1:10.)

Note that up until the 30 minute mark (y media or half past), we say “y cinco,” “y veinte,” etc. “Y” pronounced like E in English means AND. After 30 minutes we say the time that is coming up next MINUS (menos in Spanish) the number of minutes. This is very much like saying “it’s 20 to 3:00” or “it’s a quarter til 5:00”. Remember to say “cuarto” for a quarter. Careful – cuarto (quarter) is similar to cuatro (four)!

La tarea – homework this week:  Leccion 9 La hora

On the reverse of the homework page, you will need to look at the map and see what time zone each city is located in.

For example, ¿Qué hora es en Nueva York (New York)?   Son las siete de la mañana. (It’s 7 o’clock in the morning.) New York is in time zone 6, but Buenos Aires is in time zone 8 (two hours later than New York!). Guatemala is in time zone 5 (1 hour earlier than New York).  La ciudad de México is also in time zone 5. Los Angeles is in time zone 3, 3 hours earlier than New York. Brasilia is in time zone 8 – same as Buenos Aires.


Los números del 0 al 100 / numbers from 0 – 100

In class this week we went beyond just 1-20 and we learned how to say 0 (cer0) and all the numbers up to 100!

We learned that we can make new numbers by adding a “y” (and) between numbers – for example, 40 + 4 = cuarenta y cuatro.

Some good videos that explain the concepts well and demonstrate pronunciation – 1)0-39  &  2)0-100

Homework (la tarea) due 5/9:  La tarea para el 9 de mayo

PARADE Talent Show features Eva, Cassidy, Amy, Melia, Ruth and Rylee

At the PARADE Talent Show on Thursday, April 20th, students from the Spanish class performed some extraordinary musical numbers and gymnastics entertainment. Eva (Evita) and Cassidy (Clarisa) created a piece together, with Cassidy playing a lively tune, “Funiculi, Funicula,” at the piano and Eva wowing the crowd with flips, cartwheels and other astounding gymnastics moves.

Ruth (Ramona) and Magnolia wrote and performed a charming, funny, and creative puppet show.

Rylee and Melia also performed a singing duet together, “I Wouldn’t Have Nothin’ if I Didn’t Have You”:

The girls sang and performed beautifully.

Special thanks to the PARADE PTSA and to Laura Mills, Carol Gould and Marcy Candland for organizing a fabulous show!

La primera semana del última trimestre / 1st week of the last quarter

¿Que hicimos esta semana?  What did we do this week?

            Revisión de los conceptos / review of concepts so far

tener / using the verb “to have”

Los días de las semana / the days of the week

lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado, domingo (Monday through Sunday). Notice the Spanish days of the week are not capitalized.

¿Por qué?  Porque… / Why?  Because…

Learning Targets

I can ask “how old are you?” and reply with how old I am.

I can name the days of the week.

I can correctly use the Spanish phrases for “why” and “because”.

Para el próximo martes, 25 de abril/ For Tuesday, April 25:

Complete “Lección 7:  Los dias de la semana (The days of the week)” for homework, due April 25:

La tarea de 18 de abril – dias de la semana

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